
The Dresdner Fechtschul is a joint event. Means: who participates should also be able to help. Be it as a judge, help afterwards or assisst the tournament organizers. We hope to see you in Dresden!

By participating in the tournament you agree to abide by the applicable rules. Each fencer has to sign the regulations about liability and data protection before the tournament starts. Participation in the tournament is possible from 18 years. Bestimmungen zu Haftung und Datenschutz zu unterschreiben. Die Teilnahme am Turnier ist ab 18 Jahre möglich.

These are the following tournament optins:
- mens tournament
- womens tournament


This years rules:

The ruleset is based on the frame ruleset of the DDHF (german).

Als Regelwerk gilt für das Turnier im Langen Schwert das Freyfechterregelwerk des DDHF.
Tournament ruleset

Changes to the rulebook: - Pants & jacket: min. 350N - Mask bib: the mask bib must completely cover the jacket. I.e. when the bib is compressed or when it is pushed up by movement and no overlap to the fencing jacket is ensured the mask is not allowed. - Jacket: when the arms are stretched and the body is bent forward, the jacket must completely cover the back. This is also possible with higher fencing trousers - Fighting time pool: 4min - Fight time elimination: 5min - Open & closed double hits will be counted and scored as 0 points. In case of a tie (same number of wins/losses/ difference) after the pool phase the ranking will be decided by the according to the number of double hits - there is no draw. In case of a tie in a fencing match after time has elapsed, the next valid hit will be used.

Ab den Eliminations wird es den Videobeweis geben.
Diesen können NUR die Fechtenden einfordern.
Jeder Fechtende hat einen Einspruch pro Gefecht welcher solange gültig ist, bis dem Einspruch nicht stattgegeben wird.

The knowledge of the rules is mandatory for the participation of the tournament.

maximum weight of the feder: 1,6kg
Jackets and pants must have at least 350N stab protection!
