
Workshop 1: Jan Schäfer

Topic: Johann Salgen and his fencing theory from the Thirty Years War

Johann Salgen's "Exercitii Militaris" from 1637 is a work that can be considered exceptional in many ways. Written during the Thirty Years' War, it offers insights into the art of fencing of the time, but in many ways stands out from other war and fencing books of the time.In this workshop, we first address the fencing-historical classification of Salgen's work. We will examine the historical context in which it was written and how it fits into the development of the art of fencing.This will be followed by the practical part of the workshop, in which excerpts from Salgen's fencing lessons will be taught.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and advanced beginners. Minimal equipment is required for participation, this includes a rapier (or alternatively a one-handed sword, messer, etc.), a fencing mask and a fencing jacket.

Workshop 2: Eric Burkart

Topic: Theory vs practice in feeling in the long sword

What is actually being "reconstructed", "tried out" or "researched" in the HEMA? This workshop is dedicated to a fundamental question when dealing with historical records on martial arts: What are these testimonies actually about, for which people were they originally intended and (how) can the information on fighting techniques recorded in them be interpreted in a modern context? In my double function as a full-time historian and at the same time a long-time practitioner of different fighting systems, I want to approach this question from two sides: In a first and (more) theoretical part of the workshop I would like to work out together with you different contexts of fighting and determine the place of martial arts and pre-modern fighting books in it. Then, in a second and (entirely) practical part, we will devote ourselves to feeling in the long sword, a concrete complex of techniques described as a central skill in the sources of the Liechtenauer tradition. How can these abstract descriptions be translated into meaningful exercises? Does feeling work under stress in tournaments or in serious combat? What are the physical and technical prerequisites for feeling to happen? Without claiming to have found ultimate answers here, I put on the hat of the practitioner in this part and make teaching/learning offers how to develop a concept for cooperative lection for technical training based on feeling. The learning goal of the exercises is the acquisition and consolidation of skills that use feeling as a decision-making aid for one's own subsequent action in dynamic fencing.

The workshop is aimed at beginners and advanced fencers in the long sword. The aim of the workshop is to develop a method of cooperative teaching, so that advanced fencers can practice in pairs with less advanced fencers.

Material: sword simulator for the long sword (in case of need also flexible fencing sword, vulgo "feather"), mask, gloves, if necessary forearm protection, neck protection and fencing jacket (only for the learner).

Workshop 3: Sebastian Hessel

Thema: Road to Harnischfechten

Kaum zu glauben , aber einige unserer Mitglieder haben neben HEMA auch noch andere Hobbies! Da sich diese ab und zu ganz gut mit unserer Hauptleidenschaft ergänzen, hat sich Sebastian entschlossen, die Chance zu nutzen und auf der Fechtschul einen Zwischenbericht zu seinem Projekt „Vollharnisch“ abzugeben. Sebastian ist unter anderem auch langjähriges Mitglied in dem Verein „Compagnia degli Scoiattoli neri e.V.“ , der es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat eine italienische Söldnerkompanie des ausgehenden 15. Jhd. darzustellen. Daher hat Sebastian den Herzenswunsch mit einem authentischen Harnisch an dem „Tornea in Armatura“, einer bedeutenden italienischen Reenactment-Veranstaltung teilzunehmen.Was erwartet euch? Der Workshop ist ein Rundumschlag zu den Wichtigsten Themenfeldern zum Harnisch. Also: Was ist ein Harnisch? …wo bekommt man einen her? … was ist sein natürliches Habitat? … Pflege, Futter und Waschanleitung … was macht man dann mit so einem Harnisch? … wie kann man Harnischfechten im HEMA praktizieren ? Und ja wenn die Zeit reicht wird es auch einen kleinen Praxisteil geben! Aufgrund der Fülle der Themen ist dies jedoch eher ein Impulse Talk als Anstoß für eine nerdiger Fachdiskussion am Abend.
